The most famous Mary in history (with respect to Wilson, J. Blige, and Tyler Moore) is getting her own Biblical coming-of-age story, much like her son has had many times over the years. And yes, we’re talking about that son—Jesus.

Noa Cohen stars as Mary of Nazareth in the film Mary, premiering on Netflix on December 6. Directed by D.J. Caruso (Disturbia), written by Timothy Michael Hayes, and produced by Mary Aloe, the film explores Mary’s journey leading up to the birth of Jesus, told from her perspective.

After being chosen to bear the Messiah, Mary faces rejection and is forced into hiding when King Herod (played by two-time Academy Award winner Anthony Hopkins) launches a ruthless hunt for her newborn. Driven by destiny and courage, Mary and Joseph flee to protect Jesus at any cost.

In an interview with Entertainment Weekly, Caruso shares insights about casting the perfect Mary, working with Anthony Hopkins, and the film’s appeal to both believers and non-believers.

On Casting Noa Cohen as Mary:

When asked about casting, Caruso explained that finding the right Mary was a priority. He initiated a search across Israel to ensure authenticity, auditioning about 75 young women. Noa Cohen stood out immediately during her first audition. Caruso describes her as having a rare mix of grace and presence, yet approachable, with the emotional depth needed to portray Mary. Her ability to balance vulnerability with strength made her the perfect choice for the role.

Joseph’s Role in the Film:

Caruso also highlights Joseph’s pivotal role in the story. In the film, Joseph is portrayed as a young man dealing with the intense pressure of societal norms, which demanded he condemn Mary. Instead, he chooses to stand by her, becoming a heroic figure willing to do anything to protect his family. His relationship with Jesus is portrayed tenderly, with one particularly touching moment when he first meets his son after the birth.

On Working with Sir Anthony Hopkins:

When asked about working with Anthony Hopkins, Caruso shared that it was an extraordinary experience. Hopkins brought unparalleled depth and professionalism to the role of King Herod. While most of the cast was comprised of lesser-known actors, Hopkins’ presence elevated the entire production. Though Caruso admitted feeling nervous directing someone of Hopkins’ caliber, they quickly developed a strong working relationship, even revising parts of the script together to enhance the film.

Why Tell Mary’s Story Now?

Caruso explained that while we often think of Mary as the iconic mother of Jesus, Mary offers a different perspective by showing her as a young woman facing immense challenges. This film sheds light on her personal struggles, from societal rejection to the dangers she faced while carrying out her divine mission. By the end of the film, viewers will see how Mary transforms into the revered figure we know today.

For Audiences of All Beliefs:

Caruso recognizes that fictionalizing Biblical figures can sometimes spark controversy, but he reassures viewers that the film remains respectful of Mary’s story while also being exciting and accessible. The film blends sacred elements with modern cinematic techniques, presenting Mary and Joseph as relatable, youthful figures. With its action-packed scenes and stunning visuals, Mary appeals to both religious and secular audiences alike.

Mary debuts on Netflix on December 6.

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